Childcare and You

Childcare and You

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

natural home remedies for your child's ailments

When your child gets sick, you tend to panic and rush to the doctor first. Alternately, you rummage through your stock of medicines at home and take on the role of a self appointed doctor temporarily. But it is not recommended to medicate your child unnecessarily, especially when there is every possibility that the ailment could disappear after a couple of days. 

Your kitchen is veritable storehouse of natural ingredients for any ailments your child may have and all you need is a little knowledge on how make an appropriate concoction that is totally free of any side effects. Synthetic drugs are harmful, especially if administered to children at an early age, so start on natural remedies to boost your child’s immune system.

Cough and cold is the most common ailment that children suffer from most of the time. Runny nose, mucus secretion and an irritable throat are common symptoms. 

Juices of citrus fruits like grapefruits, sweet limes, oranges, strawberries and lemons, that are rich in vitamin C are very effective in improving your child’s immunity and resistance to diseases. 
Drink a glass of lemon juice in warm water with a teaspoon of honey, twice a day for 3 days.

A tsp of turmeric powder (haldi), ¼ tsp roasted ajwain (carom seeds) and a pinch of sugar, added in a glass of warm milk and taken before going to bed for a week, will cure your child’s cough and sore throat in a few days. 

Boil 10 grams of finely chopped ginger in a cup of water and a pinch of sugar. Strain and drink it hot
Garlic will boost your child’s immunity greatly. Chop 2-3 cloves garlic and take it in with water. Use it raw in salads, soups and stews. 
Make garlic vegetable soup thickened with oats and vegetables, to strengthen your child.

Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan and sauté ¼ cup chopped onions and 2 tsp chopped garlic, lightly. Add 1 cup of chopped carrots, French beans, cauliflower, baby corn & peas and sauté again. Add 2 cups of water, salt & pepper to taste. Bring it to a boil till the veggies are tender. Add 2 tablespoon rolled oats and simmer for a few more minutes till the soup thickens. Garnish with parsley & serve hot.  
Here is a recipe to make fresh herbal tea to chase your child's cold, fever and sore throat.

Grind ¼ cup chopped mint (pudina), 1” piece chopped or grated ginger, ¼ cup basil (tulsi) leaves in a blender, add 1 ½ cups water and boil it for 4 to 6 minutes. Strain, add honey and drink hot. 

If your child loves meat, you can make a nutritious chicken broth to give him extra strength to fight disease. Here's a chicken soup' recipe for colds
4 cups of chopped chicken with bones, 2 medium sized onions quartered, 1 cup mashed potatoes, 1 cup grated carrots,½ tsp pepper, 2 tbsp celery, 1 tbsp parsley, 3 cloves minced, 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 bay leaf, ¼ tsp thyme, 1 tsp butter, Salt to taste.

Put the chicken pieces in a pot and cover it with enough water. After it boils, simmer for another 1/2  hour. Remove from heat and discard the bones & skin. Add the onion, cloves, bay leaf, thyme, garlic and pepper and simmer for an hour. Meanwhile, melt butter in a pan and saute celery, carrots and parsley for a few minutes. Add this to the soup along with the mashed potatoes. Add salt as needed. Mix well and cook for some more time. Remove from heat and serve hot.

Other remedial measures to be taken are 

Make your child take a lot of rest. Rest will save his body energy to fight the infection. Allow him to watch his favorite show or color his drawing book.
Use the ‘steaming method’ (humidifier) with a few drops of eucalyptus oil or menthol added to it, in order to clear your child’s chest of mucus or give him a bath in a steamy bathroom.
Put a couple of drops of saline solution (boil & cool 3 ounces of water with ¼ tsp salt added to it) into your child’s nose to clear the mucus.
Give him plenty of water and other fluids to drink. It is important to keep the body hydrated in order to expel phlegm and mucus.
Make him sleep with his head elevated a bit, by propping him on extra pillows. An elevated head will allow your child to breathe more easily.